Welcome to the Sleep... with Josh podcast. It's the podcast where you Sleep... um... with Josh. In every episode, comedian and host Josh Yang will read commonly overlooked pieces of literature in his trademark monotone voice to help you drift off to sleep. Literature like: the dictionary, laws, various manuals, the Terms of Services you agree to but never read, and other random boring ideas. So if you have trouble sleeping at night, trust me, you’ll get tired of this podcast… guaranteed. So go ahead and Sleep… with Josh, tonight.

Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
86: (Horror) - Dracula - Part 2
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Ambie White Noise App - Microsoft Store: Download Link
Good evening and welcome to the Sleep... with Josh podcast. It's the podcast where you sleep.... with... Josh.
Tonight, we continue our reading of Dracula, written by Bram Stoker.
If you find yourself enjoying this experience please follow this podcast on Spotify, or your podcast platform of choice and tell everyone you know... that you Sleep... with Josh, because the more people that Sleep... with Josh... the better. You can follow this podcast on social media at @sleepwithjoshpodcast, and myself on all social media platforms @joshyangcomedy.
Additionally, for all your ambient sound and white noise needs to help you focus, study, and relax, download the free Ambie White Noise app onto your PC from the Microsoft Store! For access to over 70+ sounds and visual content, try our Ambie+ Premium subscription for free for 7 Days. LINK: Download Link
Now lie down, close your eyes, and get ready to picture yourself arriving at the castle of Count Dracula for the first time as you slowly drift off to sleep...

Friday Oct 25, 2024
85: (Horror) - Dracula - Part 1
Friday Oct 25, 2024
Friday Oct 25, 2024
Ambie White Noise App - Microsoft Store: Download Link
Good evening and welcome to the Sleep... with Josh podcast. It's the podcast where you sleep.... with... Josh.
Tonight, as we are now in the autumn season and the month of October, I will be reading a horror story for the rest of the month, leading up to Halloween. There is no more perfect a horror story as the famous Dracula, a 1897 gothic horror novel written by Irish author Bram Stoker.
Dracula, is an epistolary novel, the narrative is related through letters, diary entries, and newspaper articles. It has no single protagonist and opens with solicitor Jonathan Harker taking a business trip to stay at the castle of a Transylvanian nobleman, Count Dracula.
If you find yourself enjoying this experience please follow this podcast on Spotify, or your podcast platform of choice and tell everyone you know... that you Sleep... with Josh, because the more people that Sleep... with Josh... the better. You can follow this podcast on social media at @sleepwithjoshpodcast, and myself on all social media platforms @joshyangcomedy.
Additionally, for all your ambient sound and white noise needs to help you focus, study, and relax, download the free Ambie White Noise app onto your PC from the Microsoft Store! For access to over 70+ sounds and visual content, try our Ambie+ Premium subscription for free for 7 Days. LINK: Download Link
Now lie down, close your eyes, and get ready to listen to the thrilling narrative of Dracula in the darkness of night as you drift off to sleep... guaranteed.

Thursday Oct 03, 2024
84: (Philosophy) - Marcus Aurelius - Meditations - Intro
Thursday Oct 03, 2024
Thursday Oct 03, 2024
Ambie White Noise App - Microsoft Store: Download Link
Good evening and welcome to the Sleep... with Josh podcast. It's the podcast where you sleep.... with... Josh.
Tonight, we start a new philosophical investigation into the book "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius, a collection of the private thoughts and writings of one of the greatest and most well known Roman emperor's in history. He ruled Rome from 161 - 180, the last of the rulers later known as the Five Good Emperors and the last emperor of the Pax Romana, an age of relative peace, calm, and stability for the Roman Empire lasting from 27 BC to 180 AD.
He is also very well known for being a Stoic philosopher. Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy that flourished in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. The Stoics believed that the practice of virtue is enough to achieve eudaimonia: a well-lived life. The Stoics identified the path to achieving it with a life spent practicing the four virtues in everyday life—wisdom, courage, temperance or moderation, and justice—as well as living in accordance with nature.
If you find yourself enjoying this experience please follow this podcast on your podcast platform of choice and tell everyone you know... that you Sleep... with Josh, because the more people that Sleep... with Josh... the better. You can follow this podcast on social media at @sleepwithjoshpodcast, and myself on all social media platforms @joshyangcomedy.
Additionally, for all your ambient sound and white noise needs to help you focus, study, and relax, download the free Ambie White Noise app onto your PC from the Microsoft Store! For access to over 70+ sounds and visual content, try our Ambie+ Premium subscription for free for 7 Days. LINK: Download Link
Now lie down, close your eyes, and get ready to learn more about Marcus Aurelius, Stoicism, and think about the Roman Empire as you drift off to sleep... guaranteed.

Monday Sep 23, 2024
83: (Law) - Copyright Act - Part 5
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Monday Sep 23, 2024
Ambie White Noise App - Microsoft Store: Download Link
Good evening and welcome to the Sleep... with Josh podcast. It's the podcast where you sleep.... with... Josh. I am comedian Josh Yang, and every episode I read boring pieces of literature in my trademark monotone voice to help you drift off to sleep.
Tonight, we return to where this podcast began, the Canadian Copyright Act of 1921. We finally get back into learning more about copyright law, and starting the next Part in the legislation, Part 3: Infringement of Copyright and Moral Rights and Exceptions to Infringement.
If you find yourself enjoying this experience please follow this podcast on Spotify, or your podcast platform of choice and tell everyone you know... that you Sleep... with Josh, because the more people that Sleep... with Josh... the better. You can follow this podcast on social media at @sleepwithjoshpodcast, and myself on all social media platforms @joshyangcomedy.
Additionally, for all your ambient sound and white noise needs to help you focus, study, and relax, download the free Ambie White Noise app onto your PC from the Microsoft Store! For access to over 70+ sounds and visual content, try our Ambie+ Premium subscription for free for 7 Days. LINK: Download Link
Now lie down, close your eyes, and learn about the rules and regulations surrounding the infringement of copyright laws, you'll fall asleep pretty soon... guaranteed.

Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
82: (Chess) - Capablanca - Chess Fundamentals - Part 2
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
Tuesday Sep 17, 2024
Ambie White Noise App - Microsoft Store: Download Link
Good evening and welcome to the Sleep... with Josh podcast. It's the podcast where you sleep.... with... Josh. I am comedian Josh Yang, and every episode I read various pieces of literature in my trademark monotone voice to help you drift off to sleep.
Tonight, we return to Chess Fundamentals by Jose Raul Capablanca, written in 1921. Chess is still growing in popularity and maybe tonight, we'll both learn some new moves.
If you find yourself enjoying this experience please follow this podcast on Spotify, or your podcast platform of choice and tell everyone you know... that you Sleep... with Josh, because the more people that Sleep... with Josh... the better. You can follow this podcast on all social media platforms at @sleepwithjoshpodcast, and myself @joshyangcomedy.
For all your ambient sound and white noise needs to help you focus, study, and relax, download the free Ambie White Noise app onto your PC from the Microsoft Store! For access to over 70+ sounds and visual content, try our Ambie+ Premium subscription for free for 7 Days. LINK: Download Link
Now lie down, close your eyes, and imagine moving your pawn to E4, then your knight to E3, and now your bishop to C4.... as you begin with the most basic opening called the Italian Game, you'll drift off to sleep from chess theory... guaranteed.

Friday Sep 06, 2024
81: (Dictionary) - Letter I - Part 1
Friday Sep 06, 2024
Friday Sep 06, 2024
Ambie White Noise App - Microsoft Store: Download Link
Good evening and welcome to the Sleep... with Josh podcast. It's the podcast where you sleep.... with... Josh. I am comedian Josh Yang, and every episode I read boring material in my trademark monotone voice to help you drift off to sleep.
Tonight, as students return to school in North America and around the world, we return to Webster's Unabridged Dictionary from 1913, to learn about words starting with the Letter I, a vowel that is impossibly irreplaceable in infinitely identifiable instances in iPhone itineraries... it also sounds like the word eye.
If you find yourself enjoying this experience please follow this podcast on Spotify, or your podcast platform of choice and tell everyone you know... that you Sleep... with Josh, because at the end of the day... the more people that Sleep... with Josh... the better. You can follow this podcast on social media at @sleepwithjoshpodcast, and myself on all social media platforms @joshyangcomedy.
Additionally, for all your ambient sound and white noise needs during the day to help you focus, study, and relax, download the free Ambie White Noise app onto your PC from the Microsoft Store! For access to over 70+ sounds and visual content, try our Ambie+ Premium subscription for free for 7 Days. LINK: Download Link
Now lie down, close your eyes, and relax to illuminating intellectual ingestion of the letter I ... which will make you sleepy.... guaranteed.

Sunday Aug 25, 2024
80: (Economics) - Adam Smith - The Wealth of Nations - Part 2
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Ambie White Noise App - Microsoft Store: Download Link
Good evening and welcome to the Sleep... with Josh podcast. It's the podcast where you sleep.... with... Josh.
Tonight, we return to Adam Smith's "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" or more popularly known as "The Wealth of Nations". It is most well known for introducing the concepts of free market economics which is inherently important to modern society, but also, very boring, which fits the inherent purpose, of this podcast.
If you find yourself enjoying this experience please follow this podcast on Spotify, or your podcast platform of choice and tell everyone you know... that you Sleep... with Josh, because at the end of the day... the more people that Sleep... with Josh... the better. You can follow this podcast on all social media @sleepwithjoshpodcast and myself @joshyangcomedy.
For all your ambient sound and white noise needs during the day to help you focus, study, and relax, download the free Ambie White Noise app onto your PC from the Microsoft Store! For access to over 70+ sounds and visual content, try our Ambie+ Premium subscription for free for 7 Days. LINK: Download Link
Now lie down, close your eyes, and fall asleep to almost 250 year old economic theories of a Scottish guy ... guaranteed.

Friday Aug 16, 2024
79: (Manuals) - Kama Sutra - Part 2
Friday Aug 16, 2024
Friday Aug 16, 2024
Ambie White Noise App - Microsoft Store: Download Link
Good evening and welcome to the Sleep... with Josh podcast. It's the podcast where you sleep.... with... Josh.
Tonight, as we get closer to the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, there's still time to find that summer love connection before autumn arrives. To help all my listeners out in this regard, I will be reading again from The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana translated from it's original sanskrit text. I will continue Part 2 of the Kama Sutra, called "Of Sexual Union" with Chapter 2 and Chapter 3.
If you find yourself enjoying this experience please follow this podcast and tell everyone you know... that you Sleep... with Josh, because at the end of the day... the more people that Sleep... with Josh... the better. Follow us on social media @sleepwithjoshpodcast and @joshyangcomedy.
Additionally, for all your ambient sound and white noise needs during the day to help you focus, study, and relax, download the free Ambie White Noise app onto your PC from the Microsoft Store! For access to over 70+ sounds and visual content, try our Ambie+ Premium subscription for free for 7 Days. A link will be in the podcast description: Download Link
Now lie down, close your eyes, and fall asleep to the teachings of the Kama Sutra from up to 2,400 years ago. You'll wake refreshed and satisfied ... guaranteed.

Thursday Aug 08, 2024
78: (Weather) - Paris Olympics 2024 - Venues
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Ambie White Noise App - Microsoft Store: Download Link
Good evening and welcome to the Sleep... with Josh podcast. It's the podcast where you sleep.... with... Josh. I am comedian Josh Yang, and every episode I read various pieces of literature in my trademark monotone voice to help you drift off to sleep. Literature like the dictionary, laws, various manuals, the different terms of services that everyone agrees to but never really reads, and other random, boring ideas.
Tonight, we are more than halfway through the 33rd Olympiad in Paris, France, I thought it would be appropriate to understand just how hot it is in Paris and around the country where events are being held. I will therefore be reading the weather report for all the Olympic cities and the hosting venues for Olympic events on Monday, August 5th, 2024.
If you find yourself enjoying this experience please follow this podcast on Spotify, or your podcast platform of choice and tell everyone you know... that you Sleep... with Josh, because at the end of the day... the more people that Sleep... with Josh... the better. You can follow this podcast on all social media @sleepwithjoshpodcast and myself @joshyangcomedy.
Additionally, for all your ambient sound and white noise needs to help you focus, study, or relax, download the free Ambie White Noise app onto your PC from the Microsoft Store! For access to over 70+ sounds and visual content, try our Ambie+ Premium subscription for free for 7 Days. Download Link
Now lie down, close your eyes, and fall asleep dreaming of hot steamy summer nights in France and dream of Olympic glory... guaranteed.

Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
77: (Philosophy) - Plato - The Republic - Part 4
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Tuesday Jul 30, 2024
Ambie White Noise App - Microsoft Store: Download Link
Good evening and welcome to the Sleep... with Josh podcast. It's the podcast where you sleep.... with... Josh. I am comedian Josh Yang, and every episode I read various pieces of literature in my trademark monotone voice to help you drift off to sleep. Literature like the dictionary, laws, various manuals, the different terms of services that everyone agrees to but never really reads, and other random, boring ideas.
Tonight, we revisit Plato's Socratic dialogue, "The Republic". Written around 375 BC, in the cradle of western democracy, Athens, Greece, it focused on justice, the order and character of a just city-state, and the "just man". Democracy is a big focus this year around the world and especially in the United States with the upcoming election. Let's see if we can get inspired... and sleepy, listening to Plato.
If you find yourself enjoying this experience please follow this podcast on Spotify, or your podcast platform of choice and tell everyone you know... that you Sleep... with Josh, because at the end of the day... the more people that Sleep... with Josh... the better. You can follow this podcast on all social media @sleepwithjoshpodcast and myself @joshyangcomedy.
Additionally, for all your ambient sound and white noise needs during the day to help you relax, focus, or meditate, download the free Ambie White Noise app onto your PC from the Microsoft Store! For access to over 70+ sounds and visual content, try our Ambie+ Premium subscription for free for 7 Days. Download Link
Now lie down, close your eyes, and fall asleep to the philosophical musings of Greek guy 2400 years ago... guaranteed.